Box alarms added in (just for AFA/false alarm functionality etc), along with that gas leak function, if possible.Ħ. New/changed around events like car crashes, etc.ĥ. Fixed patrol routes please, so cars don't get stuck, and their speed isn't permenantly set to slow once set to patrolĤ. Maybe the ESU station/s - I notice they still have their Return to Station etc commands on them.ģ. The model with the interior would be nice, but not strictly necessary, just somewhere to drop prisoners without having to send cars off-map.Ģ. I agree with the police station suggestion.
What would you guys like to see in the patch then? I want to make the SD version as fun as the real version, but without the map its tricky, so post some ideas and I'll see what I can do.ġ. Ok thanks guys someone had told me they didn't.