If your way of thinking involves “covid is a hoax, which then shifted to “only certain people die from covid” and has evolved to “Trump is our lord and savior and ruler of the world, this election was rigged burn america down unless trump is it’s ruler!” You people are fucking delusional. Before then It was business as usual, and I didn’t care either way. I didn’t become interested in politics until Trump came into office. Bannon and trump tried to stage a coup, and anybody who either denies the attacks on the capitol happened, or tries to defend such as act, is a traitor. The reason Steve Bannon is fighting the subpoena is because the republican party has become a sect of radical domestic terrorists.
You have allowed a treasonous wretch to brainwash your feeble minds.
the general consensus of the American Public, is that we see the truth about the disgusting pig-man you psychopaths put (and kept) in office.
The reason we are on the brink of civil war is not because there was “Election Fraud” There was no fraud.